I was wondering just exactly how important your honor rating is and why?And what is max - 99?Obviously it affects the opinions of your companions. And perhaps it has a role to play in the courtship phase.I have suspected that it helps determine which other lords will be attracted to your cause as well. But I haven't been able to see through the how and when and who.Obviously it is interesting from a role playing/immersion point of view, but aside from that.All help and comments gratefully accepted. Just a few follow up questions:So e.g.
If you have 960 honor and spring a lord from prison, the increase in his favor towards you will be more than if your honor were 56, as mine is at present? Or does it just grow in another way?Am I correct in asuming that a warmonger lord is likely, as a rule of thumb, to have less honor than a lord with more restraint (for lack of a better word)? I know that you can look up the personal stuff about the lords once you have had a companion spy a realm. But it might be nice to have an inclination as to who to ask quest from early on. In my current game with Prophecy of Pendor, I have about 4500 honor rating.I think it is a way to make lords like or dislike you.
Sketchup pro 2018 license key and authorization number mac. If you tend to be dishonorable, you will also gain favor with those kinds of lords, and vice versa with honorable lords.Freeing lords from being imprisoned or letting them go after you beat them has the same amount of points for favor and honor. You generally keep increasing that amount until you get 100 favor (max) but honor keeps increasing.From what I recall, there were a few different levels of being good or bad (for the lords). I have seen lords who like my honorable character and their favor level was high even before I met them, but they would still raid and loot villages.
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But there are other lords who I have never noticed in the notification logs that were looting or raiding.As for getting quests, it's good to take all the ones you can and like to do (eg I don't like quests for the cows, so I pretty much refuse those, as well as any escort caravan quests that take me in the wrong direction of where I was going or to the other side of the map). That gives you money and experience, as well as something to do while travelling around Calradia.But as for all your actions, the lords will generally start to like or dislike you, so that when you talk to them and hover your mouse over their picture, you will start to see which lords favor you and you can feel better to help them out more. However, one of the fastest ways to gain favor is to be at war with them and release them when you defeat them, so it's not to say you have to do so much questing as the only way to increase favor with them. Originally posted by:Thanks.
Mount And Blade Warband Cheats
Mount And Blade Warband Honor Cheat
Just a few follow up questions:Am I correct in asuming that a warmonger lord is likely, as a rule of thumb, to have less honor than a lord with more restraint (for lack of a better word)? I know that you can look up the personal stuff about the lords once you have had a companion spy a realm. But it might be nice to have an inclination as to hwo to ask quest from early on.Since the lords don't really come with an 'honor indicator' in their profile, we can only assume that this is the case. But it certainly seems to look that way based on the type of jobs that these guys will ask you to do for them.Any of the lords that the Tavern Keeper will warn you about are warmongers and will result in a negative honor if you complete any of their quests.