A Unicode font is a that maps to (i.e. The glyphs in the font can be accessed using defined in the ).
The vast majority of modern computer fonts use Unicode mappings, even those fonts which only include glyphs for a single, or even only support the. Fonts which support a wide range of and are sometimes referred to as 'pan-Unicode fonts', although as the maximum number of glyphs that can be defined in a font is restricted to 65,535, it is not possible for a single font to provide individual glyphs for all defined Unicode characters (136,537 graphic characters as of Unicode 10.0). This article lists some widely-used Unicode fonts that support a comparatively large number and broad range of Unicode characters.
Typographic info for the Segoe UI Symbol font family.
(50: 0780–07BF)5050(59: 07C0–07FF)595459(61: 0800–083F)61(29: 0840–085F)29(50: 08A0–08FF)39(128: 0900–097F)5106(93: 0980–09FF)90(79: 0A00–0A7F)(85: 0A80–0AFF)78(90: 0B00–0B7F)(72: 0B80–0BFF)(96: 0C00–0C7F)(87: 0C80–0CFF)808686(100: 0D00–0D7F)(90: 0D80–0DFF)8080(87: 0E00–0E7F)7878787(67: 0E80–0EFF)65(211: 0F00–0FFF)1193(Burmese) (160: 1000–109F)15616078(88: 10A0–10FF): Choseong (96: 1100-115F)9647: Jungseong (72: 1160-11A7)37: Jongseong (88: 11A8-11FF)62(Ge'ez) (358: 1200–137F)58345346(Ge'ez) (26: 1380–139F)2626RangeFontRange. (58: 1DC0–1DFF)31313(256: 1E00–1EFF)(233: 1F00–1FFF)4(111: 2000–206F)1(42: 2070–209F)46629634(31: 20A0-20CF)8(33: 20D0–20FF)(80: 2100–214F)8810975(60: 2150–218F)(112: 2190–21FF)2012112(256: 2200–22FF)165251256(251: 2300–23FF)209(39: 2400–243F)11373914(11: 2440–245F)11111111(160: 2460–24FF)39160(128: 2500–257F)9117128RangeFontRange. (32: 2580–259F)032(96: 25A0–25FF)716382996(256: 2600–267F)128(Zapf Dingbats) (192: 2700–27BF)43174174(48: 27C0–27EF)4811616(16: 27F0–27FF)216421228(256: 2800–28FF)6256256(128: 2900–297F)8128128(128: 2980–29FF)81128128(256: 2A00–2AFF)56(206: 2B00–2BFF)5(94: 2C00–2C5F)869494(32: 2C60-2C7F)721172121(123: 2C80–2CFF)3114(40: 2D00–2D2F)404038(59: 2D30–2D7F)(79: 2D80–2DDF)7979(32: 2DE0–2DFF)323232RangeFontRange. (67: 2E00–2E7F)602291111(115: 2E80–2EFF)15115(214: 2F00–2FDF)14214(12: 2FF0–2FFF)121212(64: 3000–303F)4314645(93: 3040–309F)909393(96: 30A0–30FF)949596(41: 3100–312F)39403741(94: 3130–318F)9494941(16: 3190–319F)16161416(27: 31A0–31BF)4(36: 31C0–31EF)(16: 31F0–31FF)16(254: 3200–32FF)206179(256: 3300–33FF)49154256(6,582: 3400–4DBF)2,35,6466,5826,5826,6466,646180RangeFontRange. (Latin Lig + Armenian Lig + Hebrew Lig) (58: FB00–FB4F)37Latin Ligatures (7: FB00–FB5222227Armenian Ligatures (5: FB13–FB555Hebrew Ligatures / Pointed Letters (46: FB1D–FB4F)646(611: FB50–FDFF)8725(16: FE00–FE0F)16161616(10: FE10–FE1F)101010102(16: FE20–FE2F)7474444(32: FE30–FE4F)28273232(26: FE50–FE6F)226262525(141: FE70–FEFF)538785139(1: FEFF)11111111(225: FF00–FFEF)101172Latin Full Width Forms (94: FF01-FF5E)KataKana Half Width Forms (63: FF61-FF9F)63636363Hangul Jamo Half Width Forms (52: FFA0-FFDC)(5: FFF0–FFFF)RangeFont. (Plane 1)List of SIP Unicode fonts List of Unicode Fonts with vast amount of SIP Characters FontChar(s)GlyphsKernpairs(Standard)Range(Point): Hinting/Smoothing BehaviorVersion & DateFilename,SizeFont FamilyFont Weight,styleFonttypeSerifstyleLicenseCreator / Author (Copyright)Notes20,05: Smoothed.66: Hinted.7+: Hinted & Smoothed.v0.917 sfnt rev 0.-04-04CODE2002.TTF(4.09 MB)Code2002Medium (Normal), Book, RegularNormal SansFreewareJames Kass.20000–2FFFF Unicode blocks listed are valid for.(Plane 2)FontRange. Ken Lunde, CJKV Information Processing, O'Reilly Inc, 1999.
Page 128, 'CJKV character form differences'. Retrieved 2010-01-15. Retrieved 2012-08-21. Retrieved 2010-04-21. Retrieved 2012-08-21.
List Of Unicode Fonts
Retrieved 2012-08-21. Retrieved 2012-08-21. Retrieved 2012-08-21.External links., the working group in charge of ISO 10646. at Unicode.org. A huge index of high quality free fonts. Index of free and commercial Unicode fonts. Enable Unicode for applications.
Reference for determining which fonts are supplied with Microsoft products.